Saturday, February 28, 2009

Welcome to Your Career Advantage!

I'm so glad you dropped in!

Lots of blogs and websites give job advice - my blog will be a place to get unique insights, share stories about careers, explore the intersection of career and life, inspire action, and much more! I'll post helpful hints for resumes, job search strategies, interviewing, and other topics.

Send questions to and I'll post responses on the blog. And, most importantly, I will inspire you to achieve your professional and personal goals.

Register in the Your Career Advantage section and receive a new blog every week. Come back soon!

Feel free to visit my website at http// if you want more information about me or my services.

Ask Aimee!

Do I really need a cover letter?
Definitely!! Even if the reader never looks at the cover letter, it is always better to "err on the side of formality". A professional cover letter is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate your writing skills, and to further convince the reader that you are the ideal candidate for the job.

Ask Aimee!

How early should I arrive to an interview?
You should be sitting quietly and patiently in the lobby, or waiting area, 15 minutes before your scheduled interview time. You may have to fill out paperwork or an application, and you want to make sure that is completed before your name is called. Bring a pen!!

Ask Aimee!

Is it OK that my resume is 3 pages?
Absolutely not! A resume is a snapshot...not a photo album. The reader will only spend 20 to 30 seconds reviewing your resume, and will probably never even look at the third page. Your most important and impressive information should "wow" the reader on the first page.