Monday, March 2, 2009

Invest in Your Future with a Career Coach

There are hundreds of self-help career books, tapes, websites, and articles all designed to teach you how to update your resume, answer interviewing questions, define your dream job, and change careers. So, then why would you ever need a career coach? The answer is simple...You need a career coach to offer support, structure, and effective strategies so that you can expedite and streamline the overwhelming process of looking for a job.

The reason why people tend to stay in positions long after they have lost interest, why they accept lower-level positions at their brother-in-law's firm, and why they feel paralyzed and overwhelmed at the mere thought of re-entering the workforce is because the job search process is one of life's most critical transitions that no one is ever prepared to make. No one ever teaches you how to market yourself in a highly competitive unemployment environment. That is why you need a career coach now more than ever.

You want someone who can package you effectively, increase your confidence, hold you accountable, and identify any obstacles that are preventing you from achieving your goals. An experienced, candidate-focused career coach will teach you the skills and strategies you need so that you never feel as stuck or hopeless as you may feel right now. Make an investment in your future!!

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